European Society for External Quality Assessment (ESfEQA)
According to ISO 15189 Medical Laboratory Requirements for Quality and Competence Page 32, laboratories shall participate in an inter-laboratory comparison programme, such as an external quality assessment programme or proficiency testing programme.
European society for external quality assessment (ESfEQA) is accredited by the German accreditation Board DAKKS. (ESfEQA) is your competent partner for external quality assessment whenever an independent evaluation of your performance and diagnostic quality is required.
ESFEQA is a German based company, providing innovative External Quality Assessment (EQA) programs. That are designed to determine the participant performance by means of interlaboratory comparison as basis for continuous improvement of the quality of results in medical laboratories. The ESfEQA programs are internationally distributed.
Our Distributors
- Carefully selected local distributors
- Trained representatives of our service
- Integrated into an international network
- Provide direct support to participants
Top Quality
- Accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17043:2010 by the German accreditation board DAKKS
- Truly independent of IvD manufacturer
- Consultancy with scientific advisors
- Web-based interface for online data submission and report retrieval
Reasons to join ESfEQA
- Compare your result to an international benchmark based on international surveys and participants
- Evaluate your results within your peer-group (same instrument, same method ) but also in comparison to results of all participants
- Take part in a fast growing community striving for continuous improvement
- Choose programs that have two, four or twelve surveys per year
- Enter your own results immediately even if your analytical system is not yet listed in the database
- Benefit from state-of-the-art statistics and the tailor-mode TEQA web-application
- Results for up to three different instruments/devices can be reported by each participant without any extra charge
ESfEQA Distributor
Spectrum Biomedical Services Ltd
No 6 Market Road
Ogui Enugu
Enugu State
+234 803 4730 673
SiemensstraBe 38
D – 69123 Heidelberg
Tel: +496221894669-71
Fax: +496221894669-90
Registration Form for External Quality Assesement
Fields marked with a star (*) are mandatory.
Note: Details of the ESFEQA Programme will be sent to you after registration.